Monday, January 18, 2016

Candles Out, Stars Shine Bright, Year Of The Tigers

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Year Of the tiger, one was 1962, great year, for Michael Jackson, tiger in hand, maginzine covers. All the time, lots of pictures, to share with the sheep and goats. Thanks so much, more to cum, lovers and haters, sinners and saints, balls in the air. Good and bad, good and evil, acts and deeds, tails to share. 

Hope helps clean the nightmares, of life in hell with the frogs and gods from the center of the earth. Devils or seven snakes within the tribe members. Last rites of passage on the dark side of the moon, horses racing on the sands of time, water for the rats at the end of the races done daily. Horses to walk after a long run on the shores on the sands of time, racing for the end of the rainbows, and the pots of gold, gifts to share. Words and gifts of the tales and stories of the bumps in the road here.

Under The Cherry Moon, True lights, sun and moons, ears to wear, shapes of the dark. Stars and moons, angels in the heavens, wishes, prayers, desires. Good and bad, good and evil, acts and deeds, tails to share. Snake, bullfrog, fag, catcher gang bangs, pitchers with stats and pictures, stand in line. Trades, gas or ass, nothing for free, hell hounds, dances on the beach, love and devotion, with a twist. Good times cum suckers, freaks to date.

So fetch. STILL!

Ways to view the world, ways to grow, thanks for tips online, lots more to share? So fetch. STILL!Uritza Smith, faces to change, names and labels, hats and horns to sound, life of a dances, lots of love to share, kids and goats to play, love and hate, horns on a goat. KElly SAntIago smIth (karmadoesntdiscrim, tips and tales, hopes and dreams in actions. Hope helps clean the nightmares, of life in hell with the frogs and gods from the center of the earth. Devils or seven snakes within the tribe members.

 Last rites of passage on the dark side of the moon, horses racing on the sands of time, water for the rats at the end of the races done daily. Horses to walk after a long run on the shores on the sands of time, racing for the end of the rainbows, and the pots of gold, gifts to share. Words and gifts of the tales and stories of the bumps in the road here.

Hope helps clean the nightmares, of life in hell with the frogs and gods from the center of the earth. Devils or seven snakes within the tribe members. Last rites of passage on the dark side of the moon, horses racing on the sands of time, water for the rats at the end of the races done daily. Horses to walk after a long run on the shores on the sands of time, racing for the end of the rainbows, and the pots of gold, gifts to share. Words and gifts of the tales and stories of the bumps in the road here.

1 comment:

  1. Hope helps clean the nightmares, of life in hell with the frogs and gods from the center of the earth. Devils or seven snakes within the tribe members. Last rites of passage on the dark side of the moon, horses racing on the sands of time, water for the rats at the end of the races done daily. Horses to walk after a long run on the shores on the sands of time, racing for the end of the rainbows, and the pots of gold, gifts to share. Words and gifts of the tales and stories of the bumps in the road here.
